Friday, November 11, 2016

A Thanksgiving Prayer (2016)

A Thanksgiving Prayer (2016)
Original by Williams S Burroughs. Revised by Bucko Rinsky
To Dwayne Marion Stafford for making racists afraid by any means necessary
Thanks for the wild salmon and the passenger pigeons
Destined to be shat out through wholesome American guts.
Thanks for all the pipelines
Pulsing poison and oil and potential jobs.
Thanks for Blackwater, TigerSwan and Wells Fargo
For securing the borders of peace and greed.
Thanks for the Right to Vote
To stimulate hope in the pesticidal stew of modernity.
Thanks for ignorance, pride, and violence by pale-faced asses.
For Fox News, Netflix, the NFL and head trauma.
Thanks for churches preaching morally-insured prosperity
In the Twittering depths of the promise-less land.
Thanks for All Lives Matter but some more than others.
Thanks for the War on Terror
For domestic peace and the industrial-prison complex.
Thanks for the FBI, CIA, NSA, local pigs, Snapchat,
And one nation under surveillance.
Yes, thanks for all the memories –
All right, let’s see your phones.
You always were psychotic and you always were a bore.
Thanks for the last and greatest betrayal
Of the last and greatest of human dreams.

 “Sell all your possessions and give to the poor.” (Luke 12 : 32-34)
Remember November 26 is Buy Nothing Day!