Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spielraum (2015)

I take Walter Benjamin's notion of "'space for play'" literally, as I think Guy DeBord and the Situationist's also did. It's not infantile - it's revolutionary and in the simplest sense: anti-fascist, which, I realized after becoming aware of the history of the Ford Motor Company, is the most important political position that one must uphold. It means creating a new interaction with the modern environment. It means subverting, destroying, rebuilding, remixing everything around us. Essentially we are to play with all things (furniture, art, advertisement, architecture, space, time etc.) as they are presented to us in the situation in order to be in a constant state of creation of our own experience. If we don't then we risk becoming subservient to boredom and all of Benjamin's optimism for humanity liberated from drudgery would be for naught.

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