Friday, July 13, 2018

Anarchy and Absurdity (2011)

The world is in a constant state of anarchy.  Order is imposed on it in the forms of science, religion and politics, and the individual, for the most part, accepts it.  The ones that don’t are considered subversive, and while some subvert the system through violence and self-exclusion from society, the most continue on the same course as those who accept it.  The individual that accepts the pillars of society accept the power established in the anarchic nature of the world.  American democracy is the victory of white landowners establishing laws and establishing a mode of existence for the borders of America that the populations residing within these borders will accept.  This mode of existence tells the individual to fear anarchy as it is in the existence of politics’ best interest that no other contender manifests, but nonetheless it is anarchy repressed by the State.  Maybe the current State is most beneficial for the biggest number inhabitants of the American continent, but that is not the case when an ecological, spiritual, and qualitative existence are the lenses that one wears to judge.
               Judgment of something this abstract is the death of the anarchist who is destroyed by the State by repression or conformity, or is temporarily dispatched to the realm of the Absurd.  The anarchist, after finding the inherent evil in Power, Control and Authority resists as the will allows, but the individual is unable to continue resistance indefinitely and wanders away into a situation that turns the evil into a sick joke.  The Absurdist takes the sick joke as a new Cause and begins it’s dissemination among those around him or through writing.  The sick joke must be told because an anarchist devoid of the fervor that anarchy provokes is without a thought-home.  The sick joke is Power of man over anything, and an intense need for ridicule is needed to satisfy the Absurdist’s ontological dilemma.
               And what an ontological dilemma the Absurdist is faced with!  With the critique of Power internalized, the Absurdist chooses to temporarily ignore the active rejection of Power and chooses a tactic that is not considered productive in the arsenal of anarchist’s tactics: ridicule.  Rejection is still carried into the realm of the Absurd, but rejection is voiced in a new light.  But this light does not cast the shadow of productivity that the active anarchist is able to use to keep his mind out of guilt. 

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